LSR Class 29 Graduates
Leadership Santa Rosa Class XXIX graduated from the program in June 2013. Thirty-three individuals completed the community education program, which develops and equips effective community leaders via exposure to pertinent issues, broad thinkers and the richness of Santa Rosa and Sonoma County.
Congratulations to the graduates and new alumni members:
Tiffany Bagala,
Brad Calkins, Santa Rosa Visitors & Convention Bureau
Mark Crabb, Sonoma County Tourism
Matthew Delaney, JDH Wealth Management
Lauren Dixon, LF Dixon Consulting
Patricia Duncan, Community First Credit Union
Fabiola Espinosa, Latino Service Providers
Judy Gantz, CMER
David Guhin, City of Santa Rosa
Michelle Head, YMCA
Wendy Hilberman, California Parenting Institute
Mike Hogan, Hogan Land Services
Robert Jones, Vintners Inn
Karissa Kruse, Sonoma County Winegrowers
Rich Lewis, Exchange Bank
Chris McAdam, Kaiser Permanente
Lauri McFadden, American Medical Response
Billy McMillan, Redwood Credit Union
Betty Mullen, Summit State Bank
Mark Myers
Tiffany O’Neil, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Meredith Rennie, Zainer Rinehart Clarke, CPA’s
Claudia Ritchie, Community Action Partnership of Sonoma Co.
Christina Rivera, County of Sonoma
Marie Scherf, Burr Pilger Mayer
Jodi Shubin, Pisenti & Brinker LLP
Julie Silk, Agilent Technologies
Lynn Silver-Chaflin, Department of Health Services
Carolyn Stark, Sonoma County BEST
Steve Tagnolli, Wells Fargo
Victoria Thompson, Simons & Woodard
Penny Vanderwolk, Sutter Medical Center of Santa Rosa
Terry Wong, GHD Inc.