Golf Tournament May 20th
Please join your fellow LSR graduates and friends for the 3rd Annual
Dick Osborne Celebration Golf Tournament
Where: Windsor Golf Course
When: Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Time: 11:30 Check-In & Lunch
1:00 Shotgun Start
5:00 Awards & Ceremony
Cost: $99 – 1 Player, $396 – 4-some
Fee Includes: 18 Holes of Golf & Cart, lunch and ceremony with no host bar
Prizes: men & women – longest drive; men & women – closest to the pin
Raffle Prizes
Buffet Lunch & Evening hors d’oeuvres
Mulligan may be purchased
——Print and mail or fax the following information—————-
__ I want to sponsor a Tee* __$100 __$200 or __$300 which includes a
Reserved Table, Recognition in Program & at Designated Hole
__ I want to donate a tournament prize*
*Call Lisa Hemenway @ 290-9337 for more information
Reserve my space:
Name ________________________________________________
LSRAA Class # ______________
Company ______________________________________
# of golfers_____
Player Names 1._________________________________ 2.__________________________________
3._____________________________ 4.________________________________
Credit Card #______________________________________
Exp. Date________________________
Please charge my card in the amount of $______________
(Circle One) MC Visa
Authorized Signature___________________________________________
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I would like to purchase a 4-some package for $396. Where do i send the check to?
cell 478-1082.
Hi Willie,
Send it to
P.O. Box 742
Santa Rosa, CA 95402
See ya there,
Jenifer Levini
I am excited that we have over 50 players so far for
the golf. Get your reservation in if you plan on playing.
Inaugural Bob Blanchard Memorial Golf Tournament benefitting Tomorrow’s Leaders Today
at Windsor Golf Club
Great prizes and auction/silent auction items, lots of fun benefitting TLT Scholarships!
August 24, 1:00 Shotgun Start, Registration begins 11:30
$175 per player includes:
green fees
tee prizes
Luau dinner
Drinks on the Course
Golf Performance awards
Choose your format and sponsorship opportunity:
2 person best ball (players must have established index/handicap
4 person scramble (open to all players)
I would like to be a _______sponsor (choose from list below)
I will ahve _____additional dinner guests at $30 per person (dinner only).
Sponsorship opportunities:
* Even sponsor $3,000 – includes 1 foursome, car, lunch, drinks, dinner, four additional geusts for dinner, name and corporate logo prominent in advertisements, programs, etc. TLT sponsor recognition during 09-10 school year.
* Flag sponsor/Putting Green sponsor/Driving Range Sponsor/Lunch & Dinner Sponsor $1500 each – includes 1 foresome, car, lunch, drinks, four additional guests for dinner, name and corporate logo prominent in advertisements, programs, etc., and name and corporate logo at one of the following locations:
Flags on all 18 flagsticks day of tournament
Banner on putting green day of tournament
Banner on driving range day of tournament
Prominent signage at lunch and dinner site
*Hole sponsor $250 includes booth at Tee box (on course promotional/marketing opportunity at one tee box)
* Tee Sponsor $175 includes Showcase a sign in your name or name of a company at one tee box
Make checks payable to: Tomorrow’s Leaders Today
Mail Reigstration forms and payment to:
Allen Christenson c/o Atlantic Pacific Bank
3725 Westwind Blvd., Ste 100
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
For more information contact Allen at 707-543-2704
Tournament Steering Committee: Allen Christenson, Willie Tamayo, Bill Carson, Kelly Hauser